It is with pleasure that we announce that summer Tuesday hockey is back again this year with game # 1 on Tuesday May 14th and running until Tuesday August 20th inclusively. Accordingly, and as per recent years, we will be opening registration on a first come, first served basis, via the PCOT.ca site (not the Teamsnap App). Registration will open promptly at 8 pm on Thursday May 2nd and will close on Sunday May 5th at midnight. In the event you are unavailable to play regularly or if available spots fill up before you can claim a full time spot, there will be the option to register as a spare. From past experience, there should be ample opportunity for those who want to play to get games in on a pretty regular basis even as a spare.
Key Details:
Season: May 14th to August 20th
Time: Tuesday 9:30-11:00 pm
Cost per player: $195
Rink: Bob Birnie Annex
We look forward to seeing you out for flip-flop and shorts hockey!